EACL - Research

We are thrilled to announce the ongoing research phase for the „International Football Manual for Inclusion“ and “Easy-to-Read International Football Manual for Inclusion” as part of the EACL project. This initiative aims to explore and address the barriers and challenges faced by Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (PwID) in participating in football activities across partner countries. The project is driven by the need to promote social inclusion through sports, particularly targeting PwID who often encounter obstacles in accessing physical activities.

The primary objective of this research phase is to gather comprehensive insights into the specific challenges and difficulties that PwID encounter in football activities. Through a combination of desk research and field research methodologies, our aim is to develop foundational knowledge that will inform the creation of inclusive methodologies and training materials. These efforts are pivotal for the subsequent phases of implementing and piloting the International Football Manual for Inclusion and its “Easy-to-Read” version.

Methodology and Approach

Desk Research: the desk research phase will analyze existing good practices and Open Educational Resources (OERs) across partner countries. This phase seeks to identify stakeholders and institutions already engaged in educating, supporting, and promoting opportunities for PwID in football. Insights gathered will serve as a basis for understanding current practices and adapting them into the project framework.

Field Research: the field research phase will organize two focus groups aimed at deepening our understanding of the challenges faced by PwID, their educators, and football organizations. These qualitative discussions involve professionals, volunteers, caregivers, and PwID themselves. By fostering open-ended discussions in a supportive environment, the aim is to acquire perspectives and insights crucial for developing effective inclusion strategies.


The insights gathered will not only inform the development of the manuals but also contribute to policy recommendations aimed at enhancing awareness and promoting sports as a vehicle for social inclusion.